Mixed-race people are not beautiful

 The National Geographic recently reported that by 2050 the average American will appear to be of mixed racial origin.  To “celebrate” this, they commissioned a photographer to go and take photos of a bunch of mixed-race people for us to stare at.  Do you feel uncomfortable about this?  Perhaps not.  I do though.


Isn’t the National Geographic that magazine that goes off to far-flung places and takes photos of unusual flowers, exotic birds, tribes “that hide from man”?  In other words, “The Other”?  Am I supposed to look at these photographs of fellow mixed-race people and say: “Oh wow – how funny looking!”  Apparently I am.  The article starts with the line: “What is it about the faces on these pages that we find so intriguing?”  Quite a lot it seems.  The photos have been picked up by hundreds of websites from Stanford University to the Huffington Post.  One website carries the headline: “National Geographic Concludes What Americans Will Look Like in 2050, and It’s Beautiful”.

All this makes me physically cringe from the screen.  What are they doing?  Don’t they realise the damage they’re causing by perpetuating this beautiful little brown baby bullshit? Oh! What lovely end-products of interracial social cohesion!  It’s as bad as a Channel 4 programme I once saw made by an anxious middle-class Asian mother.  She was eager to prove that the product of her marriage with a white English man would not be inferior, and so went around to scientists and researchers getting them to say stupid things about how mixed-race people might be smarter or have more symmetrical faces.  What a load of mul(atto) poo.  It’s as bad as phrenology.  It’s actually – ironically – racist.  And yes, of course you can be racist against mixed-race people.  The thing is though, we’re unlikely to have a cohesive voice to shout back at you but, brilliantly, because we’re as mixed-up as your teenage daughter’s underwear drawer, you can’t get out of it.  There’s no “Oh but I can’t be racist against them because I’m X or Y or have Z as a friend” crap.  Bad luck loser, we’re EVERYTHING.  There’s no hiding. Time to confront your own messed-up xenomania.

We’re not products.  We’re people.  And some people are ugly.  Some people are really ugly. Some black people are ugly, some white people are ugly, some frickin Filipineseafrojafaican people are ugly.  Why should the racial mixing suddenly make people beautiful?  What is beautiful anyway?  It’s got nothing to do with race.  Saying mixed-race people are more beautiful than others is the WORST thing you can do for the mixed-race community.


It’s really condescending for a start.  You’re basically saying that if anyone ever finds us attractive, it is not because God really did put magic fairy-dust in our eyes like our Daddies said or because that 5k run this morning has left us pleasantly glowing with the joy of our own achievements.  No, it’s because we’re mixed-race, that’s it.

It’s kind of crushing.  Do you look at Charlize Theron and think wow, look at her cute nose, she’s so intriguingly white?  No, you think, wow, she has an aura that smoulders with feminine mystique.  Do you look at Angelina Jolie and think wow, look at her shiny hair, she’s so fascinatingly Caucasian?  No you think, damn her piercingly intelligent eyes, and oh, those are interesting lips.  You think these things because these women are not seen The Other.  They are not seen as their race, they are just seen as women.  So if, like Lupita Nyong’o, you only associate any beauty I may have with the colour of my skin or some other unalterable physical characteristic, I will probably pull a strained smile, but I’m actually thinking two things as I look at your ignorant little twatface.  Number 1, no chance mate, and Number 2, was eugenics was really that bad?


Articles that fetishise mixed-race people are particularly damaging to mixed-race women.  One reason is because it reminds us that we’re different.  Unless you live in Cuba or somewhere where everyone looks a bit like you, it can get – surprise surprise – a little tiring to be constantly seen as a different species of woman.  If you spend a lot of time with white women, you get really tired of being seen as the fun, potentially slutty, one.  Some white women expect you to be able to beat out complicated Brazilian samba rhythms at your computer desk when asked, or to always be able to go lowest during the drunken limbo game.

With black women, it’s even trickier, because of all the tyrannical consumerist patriarchal bullshit.  Black women are told repeatedly in television adverts and more that there is something wrong with them because their hair is too frizzy, their nose is too big, their bodies are too curvy, their skin is too dark.  Here’s a particularly odious advert I saw only this week if you don’t believe me. And black women internalise this, of course we/they do.  So therefore as a mixed-race woman you will be expected to constantly self-depreciate by dressing in a quirky way / dancing in a goofy fashion and/or twisting your face into crazy contortioned grimaces for every photograph.  Otherwise you might be seen to take yourself seriously, you might be come across as a bit “up” yourself, you might think you’re nice, you might be secretly “stoosh”.  Sadly there is no denying this friends, and I know you will want to, but please believe me, it is really very often true.  I know it is often true because I have experienced what it is like to be a mixed-race woman in black women’s company for most of my life and also because I’m sort of black too, remember? So if I see a light-skinned and/or mixed-race woman at a bus-stop a very odd thing happens: The incomprehensible psychological mirrored labyrinth of my own mind has a tiny “she thinks she’s nice” moment.  I know, it’s bad, and more than that, it’s really, really weird.


Articles that suggest mixed-race people are beautiful are, ironically, reinforcing the horrible divisive thick line between races that mixed-race people like me have worked so hard to blur and smudge away.  Those National Geographic photographs include people who tick the “Black” box or the “Asian” box, in other words, they self-define, and as the article explains, they often have a fluid identity depending on who they’re with at the time.  Believe it or not, if you are never given a single race of your own, you tend to spend a lot of time merging in and out silently with other groups like a discrete cloud.  Mixed-race people don’t want attention drawn to them.  We don’t want to have an extra spotlight put on us because we already have one every single moment that we walk down streets with anyone else who is not mixed-race.  We don’t want to be other, different, beautiful, exotic, fascinating, intriguing.  Let us be ugly, or even just normal and mediocre.  That’s just fine.

115 responses to “Mixed-race people are not beautiful

  1. Great deal of respect to this article for bringing attention to the ironic glorification of “absolutely beautiful” people with mixed racial backgrounds. I did not think I would have agreed with the article by its title at first but I was wrong.

  2. Very true. Don’t single people out, it’s demeaning. Although it’s funny, when you talked about people being pretty and how anyone of any race can be ugly, I thought of how I don’t really see people as ugly. It’s not a “we’re all beautiful on the inside” bull, nor is it the kind of “everyone is beautiful just because you are you” type of thing. It’s just that there’s something about the human face, no matter what it looks like, that I find inherently aesthetically pleasing. Even extremely asymmetrical faces, or faces deformed due to genetic defect or injury I still just find fascinating to look at. I think it might have something to do with my Asperger’s. Is it trivializing if I do that to everyone, even white people?

  3. Dear Nicola Marven,

    I am also mixed race and I strongly agree with your message that people shouldn’t think of us as other. However, I think the concept of beauty is a very physical thing and it is ok to think someone’s looks are beautiful without knowing whether their personality is beautiful. In your article you write, “It’s really condescending for a start. You’re basically saying that if anyone ever finds [mixed race people] attractive, it is not because God really did put magic fairy-dust in our eyes like our Daddies said or because that 5k run this morning has left us pleasantly glowing with the joy of our own achievements. No, it’s because we’re mixed-race, that’s it.”. I am not sure of your intention in writing this, but since the term “mixed race” means that you have genes from parents of two different ethnicities and your genes very much do determine your appearance, it sounds to me as though you are saying that is is condescending to say that someone is beautiful or attractive because of their looks (especially if they have the looks of a mixed race person). If this is not what you meant, please reply to help me have a more understand.


  4. Thanks for this. I’m really tired of being referred to as “a beautiful mixed girl” like “mixed” is a necessary qualifier. Always wishing I could just be judged on the same scale as other women, if I must be judged.

  5. This “mixed race majority” thing is just silly propaganda. The races aren’t going anywhere. Sure, the mixed race population may increase in numbers and percentages, and that is just fine. But there will always be people who are 100% White, Black, Asian etc. Race is something we should be proud of. It’s what makes our society interesting. It would be boring if everybody was the same color. Do people seriously think that everyone in America will intermix with each other until we’re all mixed race? Even if it did happen, it wouldn’t happen as soon as 2050 lol. There are so many people who don’t feel comfortable dating a outside their race, or dating a mixed person. (not that this is necessarily a good thing). People are stubborn. They usually prefer people of their own kind. Interracial marriages have been happening for as long as humans have been alive, yet people from a single racial background are still the majority. Who agrees with me that the races will remain?

    P.S. please don’t take offense to my comment. I’m not bashing mixed people, I respect them completely. I’m just being realistic.

  6. I feel what was “beautiful” about mixed people isn’t mixed people themselves but the fact how they came to be? At least that’s how I saw it, like the fact that our races are intermixing or something? Not the fact that being mixed makes you beautiful.

  7. I’m mixed race and I have to disagree, sorry.
    Some of your points in this article I can see, but a lot of it… Some mixed people might feel like this, but me? I’m not at all “offended” or made “uncomfortable” by an article in National Geographic that depicts a near future where WE dominate. Mixed race people, I find, in this day and age, ARE interesting to look at due to the fact we have contrasting features from most people because we have a different genetic MAKE-UP than most. It’s just true. Interracial couples aren’t as common as same-race couples, and so mixed race people are less common, making us “interesting”, which isn’t at all a bad thing. Like… what, so we can’t look at a type of person and appreciate their aesthetic value anymore without offending EVERYONE?

    It’s one thing if that’s ALL you do, if you JUST evaluate a person based off of their race and their looks, of COURSE that can be demeaning. We’re not beasts to be just measured based off of looks. But our looks, race, and heritage still hold some weight for all of us, okay?

    So it’s not a big deal if someone says, “Wow, you’re mixed race? That’s interesting, your features are beautiful.” I don’t at all find that offensive, it makes me happy and proud whenever someone has that moment of minor “Oh, mixed race? That’s neat.” I’m not like, “How DARE you OBJECTIFY me and be RACIST like THIS??? I’m MIXED and I’m VALID, calling me NEAT, like I’m an ANIMAL or an exotic BUTTERFLY IN THE ZOO??”

    I actually think exotic butterflies are beautiful, so if you look at me like I’m an exotic butterfly, whatever, you do you, it’s kind of flattering—as long as you know there’s a brain in this “exotic butterfly”, I don’t CARE.

    I feel like people are sometimes sensitive when there isn’t much need to be.


  8. It IS true that the likelihood of two harmful recessive genes meeting up and causing congenital conditions is much less likely with ciuplings from persons with disparate heritage.

    That issue runs deeper than the mostly esthetic judgements you have made – though I think your points do have merit.

  9. Worst piece I EVER read. Irrelevant and so wrong. I agree with you that the Asian women was over the top, but saying mixed people are beautiful isn’t the same as you said, with all that god bullshit: that doesn’t make any sense!!!! Saying that mixed people are beautiful doesn’t say that non mixed people aren’t! And I think you should look closer to the ones saying things like that, because I’m sure a lot of them aren’t only praising mixed people because of the outside, but also because of the idea that people with different race fall in love, because not such a long time ago that was something that wasn’t so normal at all. Please rethink your opinion. Bye.

  10. You people smh. What the fuck is wrong with mixed race being considered as beautiful? So you’re offended because you feel like youre being discriminated apart from so-called an “original race”?
    You’re funny. No one was ever meant to look down on mixed race people, and they had 0 offense to them. No racial slurs or unkind comments were spoken.
    You really seem like you overreact to something that has to do with race things and get offended easily. Please be less edgy and i hope this article gets popular so that everyone could see and laugh at it.

  11. I respect you so much for writing this.. mixed race people are, indeed, beautiful, but not more beautiful than single-race people! We are all beautiful, and we should all be respected for our breeding choices.

  12. Really?! This is what you’re concerned with? You really give a shit enough to pin all of us of mixed race to a box and say that it’s bad that America will be more diverse in the future? I know I’m not an attractive person but I know that it’s not because of my race. The fact that this is an article is very concerning and frankly disgusting.

  13. I understand that you also talk about not pinning people to a box by setting a stereotype of beauty for those of mixed race but you don’t have to say either. You can just say that many people of mixed race are of varying beauties. Or not address the “issue” at all.

  14. Your article misses the ball, it says and ITS beautiful not “all mixed is beautiful ” nor did they say other races aren’t. The point of mentioning mixed race is to show that racism may soon cease to exist because everyone would essentially be mixed and there won’t be a superiority complex. You went on a long bogus rant about pure nothing only making yourself look stupid and quite jealous of mixed individuals, especially the brown mixed. If you don’t think it’s bad why are you mad? What is it about mixed race that you hate so much that you had to write an article. It seems something much deeper and you miss completely off target into a random rant

  15. “Unless you live in Cuba or somewhere where everyone looks a bit like you..” First off, that’s inappropriate (I avoid the word ‘racist’ because it is used far too often to describe a stupid comment, instead of true racism). Secondly, just accept the compliment of people calling us beautiful. I do. Calling it racist, speaking for other people, and suggesting it does more harm than good are all ridiculous. This was a silly, clickbait article, written by a feminist.

  16. i don’t think this person knows much about dominant and recessive genes. Dominant genes are usually traits like large lips, curly hair, dimples etc, recessive genes are more along the lines of weak jaw line, thin lips, thin hair etc. So racial mix’s in families bring out all of the stronger dominant genes which usually leaves the outcome to be a very attractive person as we are just naturally attracted to stronger genes.

    argue over

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